NHS – A Little Ear and a National Treasure

By 24th February 2018Studio Chit Chat

The NHS is blooming marvelous and we need to shout this from the roof tops!

30% Hearing

My daughter has Microtia which means one of her ears is tiny and it doesn’t have an ear canal. She has 30% hearing in her little ear and she was born this way so she has never known any different. When she was very young she even thought everyone had a big and a little, and a loud and quiet ear.

She is seven now and until recently we had thought that it would be fine to let things take their own course. we thought that she will learn to live with what she has always known. But then we noticed that she has started developing some very strange pronunciations. She sings the most bizarre versions of song lyrics, and she has been coming home from school complaining that she hasn’t been able to hear the teacher. I can’t help wonder if is this everything she is missing, or is this the tip of the iceberg.

NHS Monitoring

Since birth she has been monitored and offered help. We’ve had doctors talk to us about plastic surgery. But as parents we don’t think it is our place to decide if her ear will be rebuilt. And personally I would much rather my daughter grow into a confident woman who is capable of accepting the way she looks. I’d like to think she will be able to love herself, little ear and all.

The fact that she is missing hearing though, is different altogether. So of late we have reopened channels and started going to see the doctors again. This week we went to collect a trial hearing aid.

Trial Hearing Aid

The doctor asked my daughter “How much do you think this is worth?” After some thought, she said “£100?” “I wish!” Responded the doctor.

The NHS has just leant us £4000 worth of hearing aid so we can see if it will improve my daughter’s life. I think my heart skipped a beat when he told us this.

If we decide to go ahead, the procedure would cost a whopping £1500 if we went privately. My friend from Lithuania said that in her country families have to pull together and fund raise to pay for procedures like this.

A hearing aid isn’t essential for our daughter, yet this service is still available to us through the NHS. Isn’t that wonderful! I have been quiet overwhelmed since learning the full extent of what we can access if we choose to.

Cherish Our NHS

I want to curse this government for being so hell bent on screwing the life out of our amazing NHS. Why can’t they get beyond the greed? It is a good thing to have such a wonderful system for the people of our county! It is a good thing to nurture and care for our people! We must cherish our NHS and show our support.

My daughter has had her first day trying the hearing aid at school now. She said it was truly amazing. We have four more weeks of trial before we make any heavy decisions, but I am so thankful that we can give her this opportunity. That the NHS is here to improve her life and help her reach her full potential.

Long Live The NHS!

Ideas on how you can show your support for the NHS.

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