Can I Bring my Dog to the Newborn Shoot?

Yes You Can!

Newborn photography with your dog can be a delightful and memorable experience. After all, your dog is not just a pet but an important member of your family. Including them in your newborn photography session is a wonderful way to capture the bond between your baby and their furry sibling. Here are a few tips to ensure a successful and enjoyable photo shoot.

dog looking at baby nestled in tiny bed.
If You Want to Bring your Dog…

Firstly, if you plan to bring along your dog, it’s essential to communicate with us beforehand. We’ll make sure there are no other four-legged guests at the studio during your session. This way, we can maintain a calm and controlled environment for both your baby and your dog.

Bring Help

Bringing someone to help look after your dog is highly recommended. This way, you can focus on your baby while ensuring that your furry friend is well taken care of. Having an extra set of hands allows you to fully engage with your newborn during the photography session.

Bring Treats

Treats are a valuable tool during a dog-friendly photoshoot. Bring plenty of treats to reward and bribe your dog for their cooperation. Remember, your dog might not behave as we ask right away, but there’s no need to panic or stress. Avoid scolding your dog during the session, as it’s important to maintain a calm and welcoming atmosphere in the studio for both your baby and your furry companion.

Keep Calm

As a parent, you are your baby’s compass. They look to you to determine if they are safe or in danger. So, it’s crucial to remain calm throughout the session. If doggy isn’t a natural model, some of the set ups we try, might test your patience a little. Just remember we are used to a bit of trial and error and we always get there in the end.

Safety First

If your dog tends to be overly excited and bouncy, we might decide to split the furry sibling portraits into two halves. We’ll photograph your baby first and then your dog separately. Later, we’ll merge the two images together using Photoshop to create a beautiful and cohesive final result.

Other Animals

If you’re considering bringing other animals to the session, feel free to discuss it with us. As long as everyone’s safety is ensured, we can likely accommodate your request. However, please leave  lions and similar home for everyone’s peace of mind!

pug dog with newborn baby nestled on weighing scales.


Including your dog in your newborn photography session is a heartwarming way to capture the love and connection within your family. By following these simple guidelines and maintaining a relaxed atmosphere, we can create beautiful and memorable images that reflect the special bond between your baby and their furry sibling.

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twin babies peeping out of box while small dog sits upright holding the side of the box.