Pregnant at 40 – 20 Reasons why now is Great!

By 17th February 2018Studio Chit Chat

My Mum was pregnant at 40 with my baby sister. She used to talk about being an older mum, but as a child I didn’t really know what she meant. And now that I am 42 and having the best time in my life so far, I think perhaps pregnant at 40 back then was not quite the same as it is today.

These days, we are fitter, healthier and living longer. With our life expectancy advancing about three years for every decade we are almost growing younger. And let’s thank our lucky stars we didn’t live in 1841 when women were not expected to live beyond 43 years!

I’m not sure everyone has got the memo that 40 is fabulous though. Cruising around the Internet, there is still a lot of noise that being pregnant at 40 is a negative thing. Even articles that start in a positive way have a lot of fear mongering in them and focus on the things that can go wrong in a pregnancy. It’s clear that some think 40 too old and over the hill. But as one in five of new mothers are choosing pregnancy at this time in their lives, it’s time for a bit of reeducation.

20 Reasons Why Pregnant at 40 is Great-

  1. 40 is the new 30!
  2. You have life experience!
  3. One in five pregnant mothers are now 35 or older.
  4. If you are fit and healthy, other than miscarriage, the risk of serious problems for baby are still low.
  5. You are more likely to breast-feed and we all know how amazing this is for baby.
  6. And you are more likely to breast-feed for longer too!
  7. You are more likely to be exercising than you were in your twenties so your body will be stronger and in better shape.
  8. You are much less likely to be a smoker.
  9. If you do smoke you are much more likely to have the will power to give up during your pregnancy.
  10. You have confidence.
  11. Now you are more relaxed than you were in your twenties.
  12. You have enjoyed a career.
  13. You are likely to be financially independent.
  14. You are ready to enjoy your baby.
  15. Even if you go back to work part time you are likely to earn more than you would when you were full time in your twenties.
  16. Your diet will be so much better than it was in your twenties. All of our diets are, we have come a long way in understanding our bodies nutritional needs.
  17. You are emotionally ready for your baby now; you will handle those sleepless nights so much better.
  18. You are in good hands and you age will mean your health service will be looking after you all the better.
  19. With age comes perspective on life, you and are far less likely to fall at the first hurdle.
  20. You are ready! Go find your Mummy friends and have a ball!

pregnant at 40 is fabulous

Ignore the fear mongering and dispel the myths of being pregnant at 40. Medicine, knowledge and understanding are so much greater today. We are living in a privileged time and country. Our understanding of how to look after ourselves is constantly growing and we are getting stronger everyday. Believe it or not it will not be unusual for our children’s generation to live beyond 100 years! 40 really is the new 30.

Enjoy your pregnancy, listen to your doctor’s advice, but don’t stress, there is a pro for every con that is circulating out there!




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