Outdoor Portrait Photography

Outdoor portrait photography

Once Spring has sprung, it’s time to venture outside again for outdoor portrait photography.

There are many reasons why you might want to choose outdoor portrait photography. You may want to take advantage of the wonderful delights mother nature gives us each year, such as the bluebells in spring. You may simply feel the studio is not the right environment for you and your family, or you feel outdoor portrait photography will give you a more natural result. Or you may be wanting an extended family portrait of a very large group and an outdoor portrait will be the most practical way to create your photography.

Whatever your reason, we love creating outdoor portrait photography, and as well as running a series of planned outdoor shoots throughout the year, we are open to arranging outdoor sessions at your convenience too.

Outdoor portrait photography in the bluebells

Annual Outdoor Portrait Photography-

Bluebells –End of April/Beginning of May (depending on when the bluebells flower)

We meet on the Barrows at Heysham for a gorgeous walk through the woods. When the bluebells are out it really is like a fairy land and a stunning setting for outdoor portrait photography.

Sofa on the Sands 18th & 19th June 2016

Every year we take our stunning old chesterfield on an outing to the seaside at Roan Head. There we have a beautiful stretch of beach and sand dunes with the Lake District mountains as our backdrop.

Crook O’LuneEarly September

This beautiful bend in the river offers a wide variety of backdrops within a very small area, perfect for outdoor portrait photography. There are always plenty of wild flowers, and if we are lucky, the grass will be long too, just like a quintessential English meadow.

Outdoor portrait photography on the beach.

Tell Me More about Outdoor Portrait Photography

Outdoor portrait photography on the beach.